Book presentation: Ontroerend Goed by Manuela Klerkx and Oscar van Gelderen in coordination with Linnaeus boekhandel
and talkshow on art collecting, with guests:
Nienke van der Wal – Young Collectors Circle
Emmelie Koster – No Man’s Art Gallery
Hubertine Bergsma – Patty Morgan
Lex van Rooij – art collector
start: 20.00 hours
entrance: € 5,- incl. free drink
location: Middenweg 20 Amsterdam
reservations via [email protected]
Ontroerend Goed is an inspiring and practical guide on buying art. Manuela Klerx and Oscar van Gelderen, art connoisseurs and collectors themselves, wrote a book for everyone who loves art and would like to buy art, but does not know where or how to start. In Ontroerend Goed they crack the codes of the art world and answer important questions. For example, how are prices determined? Can you negotiate with galleries? And how do you find the art that suits you in the overwhelming supply?